Meet Tulsi – the queen of herbs!!

Tulsi or Holy Basil is revered as a sacred plant infused with healing power. Traditionally grown in an earthen pot in every family home or garden, Tulsi’s remarkable life-enhancing qualities, noted repeatedly in ancient Indian scriptures dating back 5,000 years.

Tulsi has proven to be highly effective in protecting our bodies from various ailments. It is also quite nutritious in Vitamin A, C, K, and a host of essential minerals given by.

In this blog, we share some of the benefits of tulsi leaves that you can enjoy and lead a healthier life all around.

  1. Boosts Immunity 

Tulsi has an abundant amount of antioxidants and micronutrients that help in fighting off common ailments like flu, fever, cough, and stuff. Chewing tulsi leaves or drinking water boiled with tulsi proves useful in getting relief from the symptoms of sore throat and cold. Moreover, tulsi curbs the growth of some cancer-causing cells and HIV cells, thus preventing life-threatening illnesses.

However, Asili’s Immunity Booster blends with Tulsi, etc. which help in inflammation, boosting immunity, and respiratory issues for overall wellness.

  1. Heals Infections

For centuries, tulsi has been used in curing wounds and infections owing to the combination of anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties in the plant. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing inflammation and healing wounds quickly.

  1. Purifies the Blood

Tulsi is also known to purify the blood, which ultimately reflects as healthy skin. Also, tea with tulsi benefits can work wonders for one’s overall health by flushing out the toxins and cleansing the digestive system.

  1. Has Anti-stress Properties

Tulsi leaves contain a high amount of vitamin C and other antioxidants like camphene, which repairs free radicals’ injury and minimizes the stress caused by these free radicals. However, the Benefits of Tulsi helps to calm blood pressure, reduces stress, tension, and inflammation from nerves and muscles.

  1. Lowers Blood Pressure

Hypertension patients can get significant health benefits as consuming tulsi leaves benefits a person by lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is a powerful medicine for headaches, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, and symptoms of high blood pressure.

  1. Maintains Blood Sugar Level

People having Type-2 diabetes can immensely benefit from tulsi leaves. The ancient herb proves beneficial in not only regulating blood glucose level but also reduce the damaging effects. That is, consuming tulsi in any form will improve the metabolism process and help the body process carbohydrates and fats.

  1. Good for Skin & Hair

Tulsi helps clear out the skin of blemishes and acne. It is rich in antioxidants, and that helps it to prevent premature aging. Tulsi also strengthens our hair roots, thus preventing hair loss. The antifungal properties of Tulsi prevent the development of fungus and dandruff.

“Plant more Tulsi” – the mother of our basic necessities!

Asili Naturals